Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Text Name - NeuropoliticalRg-Regular
Large paragraph, use this for subtitles, quotes and stand alone large sections of text.
Main paragraph, use me for dot points, main sections of text and for the footer.
Bold paragraph, use to highlight important sections of text or additional points.
Updating rotating title text in the HospSuite header slide
The dot points below use another slider and can be change following the same process
Updating form fields throughout the website.
Currently reached max no of free forms (5) and max no of free form elements.
Updating frequently asked question in HospSuite page
Updating rotating slider gallery in HospSuite
Add new slide in manage slides, drag over elements:
- Large text is heading 2
- Smaller text is heading 5
Change slide speed in settings
Catering developed with Hospitals, built for Patients
Developed by Accede Holdings Pty Ltd
+61 8 8363 5699